Ep 176: 6 Things the How to Become Money Workbook Showed Me (and changed my money & life)

I was a mess 😩

I looked good, but under the surface, everything about my finances was in shambles.

I created just enough to keep living the way I wanted but didn't take care of anything else.

The 'anything else' kept catching up with me. 😣

It all changed the morning I looked myself in the mirror and demanded: Today, this changes forever.

I started going through the How to Become Money Workbook once per week, facilitating myself and whoever showed up.

After 8 times of doing it sequentially (and daily using the tools inside), I finally felt different.

And I've never looked back.

I got access to me. Which gave me access to money. 💸

What could you choose with the workbook that would give you access to you? 😍

✅ Check out this taste (and grab your daily success workbook!): https://upvir.al/145974/lp145974

✅ Register for the program starting Thursday! http://moneyshiftuniverse.com/


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