8 years of transformation: See what all the creators are saying.

From overwhelm to unstoppable: real stories of business & personal growth, clarity, and calm,
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Thank you for this wealth of generosity with your awareness Christel Crawford. You are changing the world through consciousness and cultivating more by empowering us with the vulnerability of your willingness to share. Grateful! And this is truly #blessed 😂 ~ Lea Black

What changed the most for me personally has been my willingness to show myself to the world. During the 500K program, I’ve doubled my income from $2000 per month to $4000 per month now, on an average. The private sessions offered me a space to discuss my issues and gain more awareness. I got to access more of me and my awareness. I now know I can create money with ease. I offer more services now, have more clients, and make more money! I got to know that my business works for me instead of me working for my business! I also launched a whole new business during 500K. I wouldn't be here where I'm today with my business if I hadn't chosen the 500K. Combination of energetic aspects and technical aspects of running a business.  Anyone choosing to create greater with their business will greatly benefit from 500K. I'm so grateful to the entire team for putting together such an amazing program! - Vishnupriya Aristo

Christel I’m just so grateful to be in your world. The energy of creation and question that you bring changes my world, my life and my business! Thank you for this amazing challenge AND the next 6 month adventure together! Here to 500k and beyond! - Sherri-Lee Woycik

Launched a new course this week and had no one signed up till last day, created a Q&A group call on last day and had 9 Humanoids joined the course last minute 😂 Thanks Christel for all that you offer here on 500K 💖- Vishnupriya Aristo

So so grateful for the beautiful gift of the 500K Business Call Christel! Amazing and thank you to all those asking questions their willingness to be vulnerable🥰🙏 - Nancy

This series is turning my life and my business upside down. Love it!! 💞☺️💞 - Rachel Haviland

Wow!!!! I start getting this “CHOICE” Thank you for the clarity of the energy in a desire, dream and a Choice

🤣🤣🤣 I have walked the path… so Yes!!!!

Action!!!! And commitment to myself - Patricia Galvan C.F.

500K Business Series - It’s amazing, it’s started me on a path of choosing a different reality and what capacities I have to create. I started moving energy creatively - Leticia Dao

I am so excited about all the movement I am creating with my business... (how to control, limitations, definitions etc.)

Growth Junkie Coaching has become so many ways for women to work and be with me... and pay me.

When I started 3 years ago with you Christel I could've never imagined that there would be so many facets and avenues of income available to me under

Growth Junkie Coaching!!!

I just wanted to say thank you for living and being the example..

Can we make this group a monthly membership? I'd love to work in 60 and 90 day period. 30 days with Christel isn't enough 🔥

Seeing the true value of me and being the potent bitch I truly be! 👊💖 

Wow!!! For this notebook, the clearings and the "masterclasses" are generating this action space that is unfolding my capacities, my joy, my living and in two weeks my entire world start changing my choosing being and commitment to my life and allow to choose more and more and more for the fist time... being the potent bitch I truly be!

Almost the words for all the energies that I am tapping

Excellent! There is something infinitely powerful about the energy of hearing and seeing a teacher over words in a body. It's activated awareness at a higher level. My notebook is overflowing with ideas and just a purging ground. Dynamic!

I am loving this series!!! So good! I go through each days video make copious notes, have a book list and a bunch of new clearings! It's keeping me moving and having me look at so many things! Thank you!

500K is blowing my mind! What a contribution!!!! 

This is brilliant! Thanks for making it so actionable, Christel! Excited to play! 🤩 💥 🎉

Great - thanks for theses steps.!! I'm committed to do that! Thank you! Not tomorrow, cause I'm giving a bars class - not 5/6/7/ of feb, cause I'm in COP with Brendon 😉

AND I' be there the other days! For me, I WILL SHOW UP FOR ME 👑❣️👑

This is amazing, so grateful to be here!!!

Thank you for this wealth of generosity with your awareness Christel Crawford. You are changing the world through consciousness and cultivating more by empowering us with the vulnerability of your willingness to share. Grateful! And this is truly #blessed 😂

500K has been very transformative container for me – I appreciate the openness, the access tools, and the focus on energy as a way to create. I’m creating more money than I ever have, and I have more ease around following the energy. I’ve come out of this program knowing with that I can create more money with ease if I’m willing & allow it. Christel’s psychic abilities to cut through unconsciousness, and helping me get clarity on what I wasn’t looking at has been transformative for me. I’ll definitely be back for more! - Janine Kreft

My whole awareness about my business has expanded. I’m being more more and I know now that have choice to change everything I want. I have so much more clarity about what my business wants to be.I finally recognized my abilities how I do business. I have more clarity on how I function in my business and with people, how I can use all the tools of Access even more, add it to the stuff I already know. Money has a whole new energy for me, it is asking me to step up and educate myself more, to ask more and using my tools. I can't even explain the gratitude I have for the team, and for myself for making this choice to join the 500k Program. - Dominique Struik

500k Business Program with Christel has shown me how Business is what we be and create in the world. I really enjoyed the homeplays and some fun challenges. I have started actually using the tools, and just from the, head but actually from the energy of it... hdigabtt? My business has Energetically expanded. The space that Christel functions from and the way she actually studies and applies the tools is brilliant. I’ve been taking small and giant steps towards what I desire to create.... I also realized in this process what I thought I desired is so different to what I truly desire and that keeps changing and expanding. 💗 This program is just not about business it's about everything one is willing to change. – Nuthan

Wow. This was incredible 💖 Tears, gratitude, possibilities ✨ Thank you for sharing you with such vulnerability...it's truly inspiring❤️ I took my very first Foundation with Christel and it changed my world completely. You're a true gen, most certainly on of a kind  💜 So much gratitude for you Christel ❣️✨ 

Birgit Metzner Video

Rayna Russell Video

Catalina Osorio Video

Fatma Zubia audio

Sandhya Sunikumar Video

Thank you! Trully grateful for these past 5 days! I made a brilliant choice ❤️

Thank you so much for the life changingFoundation! I thought I felt light after Bars but I am floating. I appreciate you to the moon and back  ❤️ 🔥 ❤️ 🔥 ❤️ 🔥


I'm happy I did foundation with you Christel 😍

yes, its all easier after shifting the foundation of the reality I was functioning from. ☀️💃 🎊 👍

Thank you for this 💕 ✨ Taking the Foundation with you blew my whole world wide open and shifted energies in ways there are no words for ✨ I highly recommend signing up 💗

I have been reminded of you today, when reading the Foundation manual.

I'm so happy I choose you 😍

Wow. This was incredible 💖

Tears, gratitude, possibilities

Thank you for sharing you with such vulnerability... it's truly inspiring ❤️

I took my very first Foundation

with Christel and it changed my world completely. You're a true gem, most certainly one of a kind 💜  So much gratitude for you Christel  ❣️ ✨

I've been drawn to Christel Crawford many times over the last few years, her FB lives, mini classes, challenges. A few weeks ago I noticed she had a foundation class coming up. I often see foundation classes advertised and wonder hmm is it time? Well I didn't have to wonder when I saw Christel's, my body was so freaking loud. That!! It would come up again and she'd be louder That class please!! So I asked a couple of questions...even though I already knew and registered.

Christel literally blew up my world and blew my mind, in the the most amazing ways. Called me out on my shit, inspired and invited me to look at things I'd never considered before. She out manipulated me and got me to look at and see things about myself and in myself that I hadn't been willing to before. I don't think I've ever participated in a class at this level. She has a way of melting away the walls and barriers and inviting you to a space of vulnerability with total ease. With a fierce potency and kindness like I've never experienced. If you don't want to be and have ALL of you don't take her classes. 😜

if you're ready for that finally... She's your girl!

Grateful doesn't even sum it up, literally beyond Grateful for Christel 💗 and for me 💗 choosing Christel's Foundation class. Thank you Christel Thank you 💗

Since Foundation with you I feel like everything changed. I applied for and got a part time job in a book warehouse. I knew that if I was going to create movement and strengthening in my body it would have to be something that I received money for. Lol It has been an interesting experience with my body and seeing what it was able to do. I also was offered an internship with a CF and am helping with customer service and teaching myself how to edit and create videos for her promotion materials. So everything is different than anything I have ever done before and am enjoying the fuck out of it!! 💜

Since Foundation my private massage/bodywork practice is booked beyond capacity! Hdigabtt? And I took a part time job to help out a friend
who had an employee quit unexpectedly. I also am creating labyrinth
experiences and workshops and am super busy and having a blast!
Creating more for me and the planet!!!

Thank you Christel ❤️ - ever since I completed Foundation with you everything has just taken off and shown up how I could not even have imagined!

Even my own existing Drilling Business is doing so well.

Also thank you for contributing to sharing your personal Journey on

Discovering Consciousness 🥰

I just wanted to thank you for an amazing Foundation

Being new to Access Consciousness I never had any preconceived ideas about Foundation and at one point thought I would only do a Foundation class in the distant future! That was until I decided to just choose! And more so choose you!

I know I was probably your most reserved and quiet attendee but I received so much from you and the other amazing ladies!

This has made a significant and immediate change in my life.

One of the main acknowledgements I received is what a potent Creator I am!

I am so excited to see what more I can create in my life now and what else

Will show up!

So grateful for you 🩶 🩶 🩶

I always thought that I was just aware of what people were going to do.

After Christel acknowledged what a strong creator I am, and that people do what I ask for, without words... I have now noticed that in me. \asked for one person to call me, so he could have a chanse to talk about unfinished business. He called 20 hours later. (After months of silence)

So I did the same "thing" again, and the second person called within an hour.

finally got that I create it All, and how easy it is for me, that I am not "just" aware of things going to happen around me!

And this week my mother had a big aha about receiving herself and being true to her. I saw her laugh for the first time in my life. She is changing to!

Thank you Christel, for this Foundation!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Christel I'm listening to the recordings and I was listening to them for whole week. I was just listening to day 1 part 1 and at 1hr21min you talked about my abilities. Today for the first time I heard what you said, heard your acknowledgement of me. Wow this is huge for me. Is like I'm actually choosing to acknowledge that to myself. Thank you so much for this amazing space you created so I could go there.


I asked for contribution from music after Foundation with you, last weekend, And this song...

It opened up to me receiving more of me!

"The memory of you" (the me I have been rejecting) brings back Me. Everything I have been through and the memory of when I did not know no pain.

It is Me I am loocking for! And the energy of this, receiving Me, the one I Be is so beautiful that my whole world changed.


My bodys tears streaming down...

Greatful to be alive and stop resisting me.

❤️ 😍 🥳 😍 🥳 ❤️

And thanks for playing the piano last weekend!It opened up for this in my life. Receinving me.

And... my Mother got that the energy when she expands into univerce is She. (When she expands her Being, it is not her she sences, she is experiencing God or someone else, she thinks.

 😉 Making herself small and nobody) She had a receiving-herself-moment too. Cried like a baby.

And for the first time in my life I heard her laugh a deep and true laugh.

That is huge! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Thank you everyone for your vulnerability. And thank you Christel for who you be and your facilitation. I heard things differently than I have ever heard them before.... you get it when you get it! I have such gratitude! 

Thank you everyone for your vulnerability. And thank you Christel for who you be and your facilitation. I heard things differently than I have ever heard them before.... you get it when you get it! I have such gratitude! 🙏  🔮 ❤️ 💥

Christel, how lucky can I get to have found you. The 'foundation' finally lived up to it's popularity. Thank you soooo much 🤗 🤗

I just wanted to thank you for an amazing Foundation 🩶 🩶 🩶

Being new to Access Consciousness I never had any preconceived ideas about Foundation and at one point thought I would only do a Foundation class in the distant future! That was until I decided to just choose! And more so choose you!

I know I was probably your most reserved and quiet attendee 🤣 but I received so much from you and the other amazing ladies!

This has made a significant and immediate change in my life.

One of the main acknowledgements I received is what a potent Creator I am!

I am so excited to see what more I can create in my life now and what else

Will show up!

So grateful for you 🩶 🩶 🩶

Foundation with Christel provided a space of greater vulnerability than l've ever been willing to explore before. I'm now infused with a zest for life to explore unthought-of possibilities with my choice, to create my life from question, exploration, and trusting me like never before.

I doubted if a online foundation could do the trick. Well yes it can and more. 💝 💝

taking the Foundation class with you last year was one of the best decisions I took... it's hard to explain the change in words…you go, Christel 😉

Foundation was the jump to the living I have now, and it gets better and better when I choose! Yay!!

I "thought" this class was not for me, my brain says no, the energy says YES!. I took it and my life has changed in a magical and fun way. Im is so grateful for this class and Christel Crawfor, CF, for the AMAZING GIFT they are. Sooo Grateful 💓- Amanda Peredo

Good morning Christel. I know I have told you this before, but I am so deeply grateful for the exchange we had during last years TTTE Intro about being the dominate entity in my life. I kept that as a target and it is changing everything. I have been playing with TTTE since 2015, but never really GOT that. I have been asking lately for more awareness and more consciousness. And my awareness of all the entities around me has increased dynamically. Thank you for assisting me in flipping that switch! I am deeply grateful. Patti Lee Thomas

Attended TTTE Beginners with Christel last week and have started re-listening! I swear it's like attending a whole new class!! The awarenesses come gently and boldly and cause such rapid blissful change that each time I listen I feel like I'm listening for the first time <3

I had the strangest night ever that day (in Slovenia it was already midnight and I went to bed immediately after). First I had so much presence - just felt different.. like never before. Like I know something now that wasn't available to me before. Like something really shifted. I also felt a presence of something, but I was tired so I just said: 'not now, I need to sleep, please leave my space for the night'. I felt so impowered. Before the class all I felt was fear and would panick.

And than the night continued to be wird.

Like feeling totaly diferent space, power, calmness... sleeping and waking up, perceiving something around.. but feeling in charge and powerful. Really powerful and owning my space. Then I had the most vivid and impressionable dream ever. You Christel fascilitated me in my sleep! You came to me and we had long

conversation.. I forgot a lot of it, but the fascillitation ended with you saying something like 'all those times you ever felt excluded and alone for being different and just wanted to fit in.. - the truth is, in all those cases, you were already accepted!' Really real dream it was. Wondering what was really going on there and what stuff were unleashed! Thank you for everything!

It was a wonderfull, eye opening evening for me. And it made me eager to explore and play and see what will show up and what else is possible?


One more thing: feels like coming home  😍 👻

The thing that changed most for me is: to be agressively present.

When I heard you say this in the intro, i knew that this is the one thing I needed to get out of the class. All the rest is extra.

To be agressively present changes the fundaments of living my life. I'm very grateful that I got this.

Secondly there is a lot of energetic changes and shifting, that I can't put into words. I sense it. That's all I can say.

Curious and excited to see what that will bring.

Thanks for the class, Christel!

I really loved it. I can now go play with the entities so much more than before and that gives me enormous joy

The Class turned out to be so much more then I could ever imagined. Christel is an expert in pointing out where your 'personal work' is.

In my case she kept repeating this over and over in different words, situations and energies to almost force me to be present with it. Something that was necessarily for me, since I use to be (choosed different now!) an expert in hiding things (or refuse to get aware off) for myself and therefor for everyone else.

So this class can be life changing, not only for the increased tools for talking to the entities, but also for so much more crucial aspects of my life 🌟

And now go to work! Practice and be the energy that is allowed for the major changes I demand.

Thank you Christel! Today’s call was everything for me. It changes the foundation of how I have operated for years. Worth the entire six months right there…! - Rachel Haviland

Dear Christel, I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful course! so great! so Relieving! so powerful! So enriching! thank you, thank you, thank you. Barbara Steigerwald

Really, this Amplify thing is like a highlight of the month for me! I’m so glad I joined in the beginning!!!!! - Miruna Macavei

I love the group calls…sometimes I come with my brain already fried, and then I am like sending the energy of my question and Christel picks it up from my brain I don’t even have to speak!! True story, it happened last call - Miruna Macavei

Fuck. You’re awesome. 
And…I am super grateful for you. 
You showed up for the past 3 years in my awareness. 
You kept going and you kept choosing and I watched you.
Now is the time. - Rebecca Stephens

Between this and the awareness challenge group, I have seriously looked at what I want my life to look like and what I have been unwilling to choose. So I am pretty much changing everything in my life. - Donna Kaye


@Christel, we are having no fun at all! Thank you for bringing all we bitches together through this mind blowing (literally 🤯) super fun and spacious 'thing' we got to do together!!! 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰


Thank you!!! This strategy call Got more clear on launching my business and the next phases I required to take 🥳


Amplify is the SPACE of creation. So happy to be a part of it! ✨


Yaaay, Amplify is the best thing and I am so glad ypou called me then and that I joined it (you were so intense, I loved you, you scared me good!)


I love Amplify! the other program seemed too structured, yeah


O M G this call!!!!!!! I feel like my head is swirling, and all at once I want to throw up, laugh, jump around, expand into light.... wow wow wow 😭😭😭 sooooo beyond grateful... going to be with all that for a moment now...

Savouring it...



Yeaahhh... me l  t. i  n   g.   g.   g.   g


yei!!!! R e c i e v i ✨ i ✨ i ✨ i ✨ i ✨ i ✨ i ✨ n g g g g g g g


Yes! need listen to this more than once for sure! So much space! Totally different conversation.


Amplify has been the gift i was asking for... it never shows up the way you think it would! I'm SO grateful for allll my playmates and friends here! 😭 🥰 😍 😘


thanks, I needed just that. So frigging grateful for you... really, I was speaking with my lovely hubby today and we both acknowledged that, since I joined Amplify, things are more ease in life and business


I'm so excited!!!!

I spent two hours, this morning trying to figure out how to set up a business account on Pinterest. I got to a point where I thought I needed help-WITHOUT going into overwhelm and the wrongness of me- so I walked away and cleaned my bathroom. When I came back to my computer (to go on Facebook) I saw an email from Pinterest asking to confirm my email address. I clicked on it and my business profile ( I thought that I had failed at creating one) popped up and prompted me to create a pin. So I DID!!! I DID it! Probably really badly AND I am so proud, excited and most of all...GRATEFUL for you, Christel Crawford and this program/class you have created! You are my newest hero! <3


Ahhh! I just realized I have an appointment at the call-time today that I didn't reschedule. So won't be able to make it live. Bummer! But I'll join in towards the end.. and then catch up on the recording right after!

You're creating the best business program that is SO needed in the world! Just saying. :)


Ava xx

I figured up how much I have spent on hotels here in the last 2 months and so I will be renting a place here soon. At least until I sell my 80 acres and buy a house here. The energy is so much more generative for me here. So last week I chose to change it all.

I have been asking what can I add to my life and so everything in my life is malleable. I love coaching and facilitating but I have not chosen to fully return after I took time off before my Dad passed 7 years ago. have just been hiding. I enjoy bookkeeping and playing with the numbers. love that you can create reports that help people see what they haven't been willing to look at on their own. But I haven't been choosing that except on a very limited client base.

But through the Awareness Challenge I began really looking at those limitations. One I have identified is my current location is not contributing to my body or my life. So l am choosing to change that.

Secondly is choosing to reach out and create more coaching clients. I used to have clients in 15 different countries.

And third, is taking the gift of bookkeeping virtual. I am blessed to have created a team of 4 women who each of us has 25-30 years experience in business and bookkeeping in different areas of expertise.

So this program is just the kick in the pants I need right now to keep momentum flowing. Thank you for all you be Christel Crawford.


Christel: Thank you for this launching of us!!! For launching our choices and our living where we are right now. I receiving a big boom energy of this group and this a a worthy gift Besos 🥰


Christel you are, that's inspired me so much!!!

You give me the believe in me and my business!! I know that all around the World are so many women who share the same issues with themselves and their children. So ist needs me and my coachingie

Thank you for the Kick in my Ass'es


I have a new client and it was so easy to ask for what I desire to be paid per hour. No turning myself inside out and barely being able to get it out of my mouth. But a clear answer to her question. And she said yes!!! How does it get any better than that? Thank you Christel for so much change 💖

So I can fire myself from being a control freak of magnitude in this job seeking thing I’m doing 🤔Brilliant! Thank you @christlcrawford - Andrea Young

🥰🥰🥰 Super grateful for Christel and the space she be’s and invites us to choose! The 500k group has been life changing! And this membership is suchhh and enriching gift! Thank you all for playing. And for all your questions! How DOES it get any better than this? And what else IS possible? ✨✨✨✨- Ava Pandit


Yayy congrats everybody!! For me more money is coming into my pocket. 🤑 became aware of a lot of ways of assuming that I can catch now... most importantly I discovered that I thought I had to choose 1 way for money to come in, and do that one way, in a "perfect" way. Now that I am aware of it, l've been asking for all the ways money wants to show up and streams of revenue I set up a while ago that weren't flowing, just simply are flowing now.

* 1 am being money and playing with money in ways I haven't done before and its fun. There is a curiosity around me with money rather then a judgement. I also have deepened my cash reporting process looking at it all more with the energy of weip rather than definition or heaviness. Thank you

Christel 🙏


Watched money call replay today! I just wanted to say it was exactly the energies I have been looking at and diving into! HDIGABTT?



"Choices that puts us constantly on our own creative edge" I LOVE THIS

I've been choosing and creating like a beast this amazing life that is mad levels of fun for me and dreams come true AND somehow carrying this idea that I need to be unfazed and cool at all times and have everything new be something

I'm pro at already 🙈 lol

Best part is- almost every week for the next 4 months I have more dreams come true moments and events booked in and it's going to be a lot easier with lowered barriers and allowance- so much room to practice!!

I'm so grateful for yesterdays call and this ☝️ message Christel. Lots of love girl 


PS the whole section on creating and choosing for you in a new place was so rich and helpful for me. I've just moved continents and it's part of so much of what I've wanted my life to be next AND I'M OVERWHELMED WITH TINY SHIT IN SO MANY MOMENTS OF MY DAY! That section was super helpful. Thank you 😘


You can also use tradingview.com to look up any stock real time and research what you are going to invest


Thanks for the inspiration you be Christel 🎉 😄 😭 😘 😘


I submitted my 2021 tax return tonight!

With ease and I'm getting a refund according to turbo tax

had so much ease through the process thanks Christel for the inspiration

Helped tremendously


Helloooo everyone!!!

And I have started 3 weeks ago looking at my taxes and what is required to have an investment property...

Keep on choosing me and today after gifting to the taxation department what they required

I have paid lees of what I had decided months ago!!

Asking a simple question from the place that something different can show up and it changed everything!!! Choosing to educate myself and choose fun!!!

Thanks Christel and thank you all!!!!


Like this conversation... I see me in a lot of ways when I exchange the energy of money...

Happiness, smile, fun, joy and gratitude are so money creators for me!! Thanks for opening this for me Christel and Robin for the question....!



Oh wow, I never saw this before. Thank you!!!


Consciousness is Presence 

My gold nugget from today's call

Thanx so much 🙏🙏  



I have a new client and it was so easy to ask for what I desire to be paid per hour.

No turning myself inside out and bearly being able to get it out of my mouth. But a clear answer to her question. And she said yes!! How does it get any better than that?

Thank you Christel for so much change


WHEEEEE I always have so much I want feedback, questions and extrapolation. THANK YOU!!!


I was asking for the mover, connector energy to show up in my business and this showed up!

Here goes I am celebrating my success .... Two weeks ago I was asked to host Diva Diaz in London X-Men class in April!

@christelcrawford and everyone in this group I am so grateful to you all and all that you contribute to me.

I actually have no words for what is showing up in my world so much change and new energies ... no more avoiding and defending ✨✨✨✨


Me encanta esto gracias 🌹

I like this thank you 🌹


Just a big thank you and lots of gratitude for Christel ( the one that run the class 🤣), for puttingout there the intention to gift us another call a month!!!

This is money!! Money come money come money come...

Thanks youuuuu beautiful woman ;)


My mind is fried in a really good way 💕 😍


This was an amazing call! Thank you!


Thanks... I guess I have to listen this one at least 10 times


Wow! Amazing thanks for all the questions and the info 😍



Sweet! Thank you @christelcrawford 🥳 🥳 🥳


I am so beyond grateful for your being Christel and all that you create and share. I also love how when you share, facilitate, & create you always are right in there with us experiencing and creating your life. You're like the no bullshitter when it comes to your gifts. I realized, since watching you this whole year, that I definitely do survival dynamically! I have created more money this year than I've ever known could even happen and I actually have created lost with most of it too! The beauty is there is no judgement in my world but I am in awe of the shitstorm I've been able to create 😂 so now, I'm like well if I can create that magnitude of shit, what the F else is possible?! Seriously! I feel like a superhero of debt creation at the moment. Also, what do I love about debt? I've looked at that one too.

I've done this thing with debt that feels so lliad to your tax creation that you've done. So what else is possible here that is different than I've ever know before?


@christelcrawford and everyone on the call thank you for this! This call was opened so many new spaces for me where I have been avoiding and defending.

Thank you thank you!


Beautiful call!!!!!


Thanks for allowing me to fall apart and change the fuck out of everything your calls Christel 😂 🤣 🥳 🥰thanks everyone 💛


Super grateful to be here! Can't waittt to start! 🤩✨


Boom!!! We are both in!!! Thanks Christel for all you are creating xxxx


Yay, thank you C and you all!


Waaw, what a contribution! I was on vacation for some days so I missed the calls. I will listen to them today.


I listened to the call, really appreciated the depth of clarity on LIVING


@christelcrawford thank you so much for the call on Thursday and sharing the Financial Clarity


I have a system however it's a joint one with my husband about house stuff.... And a separate one for business, I haven't added any access classes or anything else my body desires nor how much money would like to generate to create a life I desire!

Excited to do this 🤓


Hi everyone! 👋

I'm so excited to be here with you all!

Crazy humanoids, choosing lightness, fun & infinite possibilities in an insane world! 🥳 🤪 🥂 

@christelcrawford thank you for creating this amazing space!



Thank You for the call and the questions.. so much info and 

fulfillment about the awareness and the questions! whoop 

whoop.. :c)




Wow...I love this Gekko finger exercise sooo much!!!!


Thank you Christel ✨ ✨ ✨


Omg what an incredible call!!! Thank. you so much 🥰 🥰 🥰


@christelcrawford Thanks for today and thanks for the call from 500k Biz!


Thank you CHristel!!! That form is awesome. Looking forward to second half of replay ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Super grateful for Christel and the space she be's and invites us to choose! The 500k group has been life changing! And this membership is suchhh an enriching gift! Thank you all for playing.. And for all your questions! How DOES it get any better than this? And what else IS possible? +‡‡‡


So so grateful for the beautiful gift of the 500K Business Call Christel! Amazing and thank you to all those asking questions their willingness to be vulnerable 🥳 🙏


Explosion of possibilities ✨✨✨

Thank you Christel & everyone for the amazing call yesterday! Now what else...? 😍😍


So I can fire myself from being a control freak of magnitude in this job seeking thing I'm doing 🤔 Brilliant! Thank you @christelcrawford


Arghh I double booked myself today! I will miss this call, have a good one and I will see you next time.

Thank you @christelcrawford in advance for all that you contribute to me ✨ 💜  ✨

The setting up coaching workshop impacted my life in a lot of ways. It really gave me an opportunity to look within myself to see what I need to work on, what I need to delegate, where I need to invest in myself, and not struggle alone to get things set up for success. It challenged me, it stretched me, and it will continue to help me in this journey to get my voice out into the world!  The support of the group and Christel's , insightful beautiful mind to strategize and help you come up with ideas of how to be the best version of you and get your coaching set up was nothing less than miraculous! Thank you Christel  and I look forward to continuing to work with you. Love you! ~ Kim Frazer

I am doing Christals 30 day challenge and am learning so much about getting my business out into the world. From a number 1 to 10 I would say this programme is 56.
Thank you Christal and team. Love you all.

So I was sitting in the woods, I needed some space.

I’m reviewing what seems to be my very chaotic life at the moment and what popped in was

AMB. from a Dan Sullivan book

AMB - always measure backwards

Something I had always resisted

So I looked back 20 odd days before I began this challenge and applied it.

I have so much gratitude for you @~Christel Crawford and this wonderful bunch of people who I didn’t know existed (apart from Betsy) and what I have learned …

even though I feel it’s all still a bit of a muddle

I know sooooo much more than I did nearly 30 days ago



Hello hello 💖

How are you Christel?

I'm so good. How does it get better than this? Thank you for your interest 💟

With this challenge;

I've added a new business to my business 😀

I'm massage therapist and + broadcasting live every day on a channel 😊

I have followers, fans. I'm willing to be judged every single second 🥰

Even I'm lying down on the bed, money is coming easily 😯😇🙏

I'm keep listening to you every day, your videos on YouTube on telegram and facebook 🤩

Thank you thank you thank youu 🌹

What would it take for me jumping into one of your class to show up?

What else is possible?


This is part 1 of the Conny graphic - The text is all on the other graphic FYI

Dearest Christel

I have this on my „should I do it or not" list for over a month 😂 ya i know 🙈

And as the universe gives us magic hints when something will create greater, I listened to Simone Milasas Podcast, where she talks about "What can I contribute".

It pinged in my head - oh that's what it's all about! Thank you universe I got the point. (I think I need my Bars run 😂 

So I write you this message to say THANK YOU 🙏 ❤️!

Thank you for your braveness Thank you for your kindness

Thank you for your authenticity Thank you for your vulnerability

Thank you for your willpower

Thank you for your humor

Thank you for being the gift that you are!

I am so grateful for you and the creations that you bring into this world and the gifts they are.

How many times you talked about a topic | „needed" to hear. Weird huh 😉 nooooo we are not connected and certainly not psychic 😜

And all this, you are gifting it to everyone who is willing to receive it. (Taking a class or a private session with you, is on my WOW-List for 2022).

When I first saw you I admired & judged you so much. Wow she is perfect, she is so beautiful, she is so conscious, she is to perfect, how can you look soooo fucking good on every photo.

Bla bla bla... Ok PoC & PoD that shit and who does this belong to anyway and universe l'll have that too.

⭐ Cause girl you fucking ROCK ⭐

I just want you to know how much you contribute to my life, and certainly to many others.

And in the spirit of - what can I contribute

Please let me know if I can contribute anything to you ♥️

With so much gratitude and a big energetic hug

Conny 🙏 🤗

Four years ago I met this awesome lady Christel Crawford and her amazing energy.

One of my first book of Access where Blessed Possibilities and over the past years I done a lot off classes with her.

I knew that she would be a great contribution to me and I'm so blessed with all she is showing me, to take action and how great I can be.

I adore you lady, there are so many times I even can speak about what you mean for me. ❤️

So I celebrate my life and what else is possible for me and the world. 😍

Every time I listen to you, Christel, my reality changes. Thank you. 🙏 ❤️

Wow! $1700 out of nowhere. 😊 🤗

What else is possible? 💖

Cristel, I beleive.... I chose you and Im so Thank ful to myself that I chose you.... Love you... trying to listen to every word that you have said on your channel. You are cute,
funny, charming and just ballasticlly transforming my life. Thank you for who you are being. Muhhhaaaaa… NEHA from India.

A year or so ago, when you were supposedly coming to Argentina, you changed my life. I wasn't sure about what businesses or creation were fun for me. I had no idea. Your awareness challenges are magical. As you are. As I am. And I want to say thank you.

this is the best facilitation I have ever received

Hi Christel, this is Nihan from Vancouver. I once had a bars session with you back in 2016. You invited me to a Global Bars day at the time, and i said "nah."

Then I got my first bars class last year and my first thought was: "ohhh, I should have received Christel's invitation to a different reality all these years ago!" And of course, poc and pod. You get it when you get it, right?

What else is possible now?

This message is a long way of saying:

Thank you. Thank you for giving me a taste of something so different, something so out of my reach at the time, but stayed with me anyway. And thank you for the allowance you were for me.

It's so fun to listen to your podcast and follow your adventures. Looking forward to seeing you in a class and creating together, hopefully in person.


Thank you so much for our session the other day! You're such a gift to me and my world. You remind me again and again to melt into the magic of me. ✨ 🙏 🙌  ✨

Christel, thank you for being you and being willing to share your life and experiences with us! Today is December 21, not only the Winter Solstice but also the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. It's a day that I've been looking forward to with anticipation and the expectation of greater awareness...and those insights came from you!

I went to bed around 12.30 am this morning, listening to one of the recent money pulls from the 23-day series that we're in. I was drawn to listen to one from a few days ago when I had been late to the live Zoom call. I had missed the beginning... and of course, had missed the exact piece I needed to hear.

The insights you shared help me clarify why I am here, the gift that I am to the world, to my clients, and how I can be a gift to my mum that will strengthen our relationship. My request for awareness had been answered. Your daily energy pulls are a true blessing!

Thank you! xx

Heyyyy. Just woke up. We drive home today ❤️

I also replied yesterday but it's still sitting here lol I can PD...

I've been tollowing the energy for timing in expressing my gratitude to you in an all-out fashion.

I started watching you on YouTube pretty much immediately upon finding Access. In one of your videos you talk about people telling you they go to bed with you at night, I am one of them 😉

I relate to you and your style to the MAX including the amount and degree to which you say Fuck, one of my personal favorite words, lol!! You give me permission to be me and out loud. The last consciousness work I was involved in (Landmark Worldwide 10 years of participating and leading) had a backfire effect on me because of me being extremely shame-based, or maybe, just an empath to boot, that I internalize a shit load. Anyway, there is a whole story there which isn't necessary to go into, just to say, thank you for bringing me back to my full expression!

I am watching and studying you carefully, as you are doing exactly what I have TRIED to get going with online programs, coaching, and YouTuber status.

Many starts and stops, with mucho blocks and overwhelm. NOT NO MORE tho! I'm on FIRE over here!


I have studied your website and I don't see anything like Zoom group coaching programs? I am interested in working with you in person and am wondering if my only option are Zoom one-on-ones??? It looks this way... Please let me know?

Thank you for letting me discover myself through your very bold leadership and over-the-top self-expression!!! YOU HAVE MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE FOR ME!!! GIGANTIC!

Gigantic Air HUGS,



Hi Christel, I'd like to thank you for triggering a phenomenal amount of change in my life! In the summer of 2018, you did a reading of the money workbook. I'd done readings of it before, but I was drawn to this call and I could feel things shifting from the first minute. At the time, I was stuck in an academic job with a contract that was ending soon. I knew I was unhappy in academia, and I was trying very hard to find something else, and the harder I tried, the less it worked

As a linguistics major, all related vacancies I could find were dull, wouldn't let me make enough money to get by, and felt very heavy. A few days after your call, a vacancy in finance popped up in my facebook feed. It was so far outside of anything I'd been able to think of that I still don't know how it ended up there 😄

To my surprise I fit the profile, applied and got hired in no time. For the first time in years, I didn't have to worry about money anymore. I asked for money, and I actually ended up working at a bank. The sense of humor in that still cracks me up 😄

At the same

related to Access. He never knows entirely what I mean when I tell him I'm grateful he's enlarged my world so much, because his world has always been open and full of possibilities 😉

A few years ago, I was so cramped and focused on keeping the securities l'd created for myself, my house in a tiny village, the region I knew, the fact that I was convinced city life was not for me... Two years down the road, I've followed my knowing instead of my fear, sold my house, moved in with my boyfriend in a city, got very excited about moving to an even bigger city, managed to create really cool opportunities for myself within the bank, took the step to end my company that I wasn't doing anything with anymore, and only last week managed to get hired from a very competitive field (that I would have been convinced I wasn't good enough for, a few years ago) into the absolutely coolest job in the entire bank 😃

Thank you for being you, and for the impact you have! It's such a powerful little question: what else is possible? 😉

Thank you Christel for who you be. You inspire me everyday as you totally walk the walk of Access

I am having it all man. Our call yesterday was so amazing ... thank you for being in my life!

Still melting. Listing to the monthly clearing call recording again. Thank you, Christel! Thank you for being. Thank you for showing up. Just Thank You! ❤️ 😭 ❤️ 😭 ❤️ 😭 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Not a question. Just an appreciation and gratefulness to the amazing contribution you are and have been in my life over the past several years. Blessed beyond this reality by knowing you!

Big Love!

Donna Kaye

Playing this call on a loop 👏

Thank you

Christel Crawford for this amazing call, so ready to transform heavy energies to the true lightness ✨

I'm so incredibly grateful for what Christel is being and offering. It's really changing and uncovering me and there's just not really words to express what that is creating for me. My whole being is so full of gratitude. Thank you for helping her make this happen.

❤️ Jade

I discovered Access about 13 months ago through a program by another facilitator. I decided that I would look more into it, so I went to YouTube. I found you and have spent many hours/ days going through your videos. Seeing and feeling the changes as you changed and grew.

Your honesty with yourself and your vulnerability with your sharing of your processing keeps me coming back. I also love that you use the word fuck a lot as it is one of my favorite sentence enhancers! 😉

You are the invitation for me to be me, for me to be raw, vulnerable and show up as the gift that I am. Thank you for being and sharing the fucking gift that you be! ❤️ 

Pure magic ✨ Thank you for sharing all of you with us 💖

You inspire me to be greater you beautiful potent badass being... 💥 💖 😘

You are so sp so amazing....I wish O make a million dollars...As much as possible, I'll take sesdions with you Christel Crawford


I'm really blessed to be here, in this body and life and have you, Christel, in my life... you've positively melted me. Thank you so much!

Christel facilitated me into complete and total different living. You cannot afford not to work with her.

This is such a fabulous and pragmatic conversation ❣️

And the awareness

challenge.. that question changed my life, I'm so grateful my sis found you and that question. It led to me quitting drinking alcohol which I had no idea was possible or required to change my life for the greater.

I've done it a few times over the years and everytime my life gets greater 💥 💥 💥

I don't have words to describe how this challenge gave me ME!

Thank you so much Christel Crawford for bringing it to life and for being the invitation with your post, your messages on WhatsApp and all that you've shared this past 30 days and through all your other creations.

See you soon!

Thave so much lightness in my universe when it comes to "me". Today for the first time I said "I'm awesome" and had no charge around it.

Woohooo!!! Hdigabtt?

Thank you Christel! Can't put into words how much awareness and 'aha moments' I've had since Sunday!

Mostly I'm happy but never this happy, it's different 😁

So grateful for you and glad I stumbled upon this challenge!

Thank you Christel, your energy is an amazing contribution to my being... today's challenge busted even more Dr. Dain's gift!

Have a wonderful day! 🤗 🌺✨

Christel, I am so grateful for this 30 days of uncovering our hidden gifts.. so much is opening and sometimes l am in tears about all I haven't acknowledged •

So grateful I can be part of the Live today!

This is shifting so much for me. Lots of small miracles coming through. ❤️ ❤️ 

Best series of these yet! 🙏 😇 🩷 🥰 

Something about me saying my words puts him in la-la land. 😂

Hi Christel,

I have been loving your challenge so far! Thank you for putting it on. I have been asking more questions and expanding my vision again. I funny thing is that I wasn't destroying what I was the day before each day. I have been doing that and have noticed a huge change. Amazing what tools I forget when I get wrapped up in the world. Thank you so much!!

De Dee

It just dawned on me: I did the Core Challenge 2x in the second half of 2019 - and this year I'm living the life I desired! 🤩 🔥


Oh my goodness Christel Crawford I’m on fire this past week since the 5 day challenge . I have people throwing money at me to work for them in my social media work and healing , I had a massive download about writing a book and what I’ve been out here to do - my superpower so now starting up a membership site that I’m going to test for 2 months on an amazing platform called mighty networks . I knew it was coming and I couldn’t see it which was frustrating this humanoid lol but I can now . I can see how I can add value to people and this planet which o have been doing anyway . It’s coming into physical actualisation . I am so grateful for you x

Hi there,

I'm taking in the 14 days on receiving. I really am the barrier maven!

Lowering so many...I fell asleep during video 4! In the middle of the day! From someone who is experiencing major insomnia in the last year. It was soooooo restful.

I noticed I had put up some "protection" from you! So I took it down. Why would I do that about someone I see as powerful? Would infinite me do that? Nope. Would powerful people in my life in the past abuse their power with me? POD and POC! Not letting in power! In me in others! Wowie!

I appreciate you immensely.



Wow! This series/class has changed so much for me! This morning I got the awareness that the anxiety that I have been experiencing, is not because I have no control of the future but that I am allowing my fear of what might happen in the future, to control me! AND that the little girl (that I was)that was so controlled by abuse, is still with me (I have tried to clear her but she feels safe with me)and is railing against this perceived control. Boom! Anxiety gone!

My body and the little girl (and my mom who no longer has a body) are crying tears of release......

With gratitude for you Christel Crawford and allowance for me, I thank you. There really are no words..... 🙏 ❤️ 🙏


I have given anger soooo much power over me!! I have tolerated it, cringed around it, hidden to avoid it, reacted to it.... This 14 days something has started to shift. I'm welcoming it. In fact it's on my list of things that happen in a day and instead of running away from it I get to put a little tick mark beside it with no other internal reaction than acknowledgment and slight smile! This one small change is monumental! Much gratitude 🤗



In all my years, THIS Series has been THE

Most profound... in ways I cannot begin to articulate.

I was reading Wayne Dyer in the '60's 😉 The Celestine Prophecy in its first printing 😅

Christel, YOU Be The Gift for which this World has been waiting.

Thank you.

❄️ ❄️ ❄️


who would have thought this tool that i thought i knew and was using was merely a concept! so grateful for this 3 day challenge as a bite-sized invitation to practice ACTUALLY engaging the tool. a gift i didn't know i was refusing!


Christel Crawford I want to express my gratitude for you. I am choosing differently because of this 14 days of choice.

Something has bothered my family & I for a really long time.

Today I chose to talk to my neighbor about it & received full on resistance. We as a family chose another way to deal with the issue & I am so proud of us! It required being a bitch & that is super uncomfortable for me, but it was invigorating and I kind of love it! Thank you so much for giving me a view into what else can be possible 😘


Omg .. best series ever. Going to listen again right now !


Pure magic ✨ Thank you for sharing all of you with us 💖

You inspire me to be greater you beautiful potent badass being...  💥 💖 😘


It's been an awesome series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


So grateful for you and this class ✨ ❤️ ✨


Hey Christel - can I still purchase this 14 Days for a friend?

She is going through some shit... relationshit with her hubby. I know I'm giving her as much as l can,

But Day 5 & 6 are screaming at me to share.

So how could I / we allow this to happen with ease?

Thanks so much for reading & theses VIDEOS! Wow! Legit fucking amazing


This made me cry and also be so greatful for you Christel! This rejection-energy-stuff has been around me for ages. Rejecting before i get rejected... and destroying all possibilities with relations. I will listen to this many many times!

What a gift this is


My world is changing so much with you Christel in my life 🙂 and now after this 14 days my receiving is 💃 🥳 🏄


An amazing series ... Thank you Christel Crawford ... 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


Hey Christel Crawford i want to say how grateful i am, i wanted to do it in video but i kept delaying it hahaha. I have started this program a bit later than it had started so i was not really in the flow of the lives bit i just knew it was an awsome contribution, i was the first viewer on your youtube video of day 1 and that was my Q! Please keep inviting people with tasters and when i joined i had so many barrieres i couldnt find the lives i couldnt find posts nothing! A lot of yoy guys helped and i m so grateful, but it didn't get me to see the lives hahaha, so i discovered that i can actually download the audio from kajabi, did you know that? Thats like awsome for me ! Cuz i like to have a background of clearings and whatever thing that opens up spaces, and i'm sorry if this is too long (not really sorry) each fucking audio i listen to is mind blowing ! I have not completed the 14 days and i am so amazed by the awareness i'm getting from this, it is as spacious as it was when i asked what would my life be in 5 years if i get this program ?

I just want to say i love you and i am deeply grateful for you and for the 14 days and whatever you are gifting me and the world.

Thank you for being in this world.

Please share my msg if it contributes to you and your business.


Christel Crawford I want to express my gratitude for you. I am choosing differently because of this 14 days of choice.

Something has bothered my family & I for a really long time.

Today I chose to talk to my neighbor about it & received full on resistance. We as a family chose another way to deal with the issue & I am so proud of us! It required being a bitch & that is super uncomfortable for me, but it was invigorating and I kind of love it! Thank you so much for giving me a view into what else can be possible 😘


My dearest Christel

Having you come into my home on dayly bases make me feel you are part of my family.

I am so proud of all you have done . But more s o for shareing it so that some one like me can learn. And now Andreas is added on my best wishes to him.

Thank you for being you.

Much love

Stay Blessed


Yes, It's so inspiring to see you live the tools!!! It really helps me get a perspective and start using the tools in my life, in a whole new way.


And thanks for showing up put together sometimes and untamed sometimes and raw sometimes.


Your shows are every week a big miracle who changed my world for the last 3 year. I adore you for showing up every week and what's in your world. ❤️


You are such a gift 🥰 and so much contribution to our lives 🙏 so grateful 😘


thanks for this, I've been putting off starting my podcast for a few years now too! I even have the graphic created, the host website set up...😂😂 and I've loved your show from the start so thanks for starting xoxo


You are such a gift! And what else is possible? Thank you for being the invitation. From behind the scenes, someone who has grown so much by following you


Thank goodness you never gave up on urself and I found you. I listen to your podcasts very regularly. You are on my favorite list. A long drive is not complete without you in my ear, POD n POCing my trip through. Suffice to say I have finally actually begun to Choose, Choose n Choose again 😜


Yayy congrats everybody!! For me more money is coming into my pocket. 🤑 became aware of a lot of ways of assuming that I can catch now... most importantly I discovered that I thought I had to choose 1 way for money to come in, and do that one way, in a "perfect" way. Now that I am aware of it, l've been asking for all the ways money wants to show up and streams of revenue I set up a while ago that weren't flowing, just simply are flowing now.

* 1 am being money and playing with money in ways I haven't done before and its fun. There is a curiosity around me with money rather then a judgement. I also have deepened my cash reporting process looking at it all more with the energy of weip rather than definition or heaviness. Thank you Christel 🙏


Hey Christel im really waking up again getting my words back and my head 🙌 🥳

& have really no words

for how much those 30min have facilitated me to be more and look for more and invite more in even judgements and i feel so strong in myself again... so thank You again ❤️❤️❤️

What I wanted to say was, l've been looking at the Call over and over and WOW!! I was really at a lost and conflicted place with myself but, I've realized so much since in which i didn't get on the Call 🤗

Ive realized and I trust that im getting it but, instead of having that banner/cover that I have now, I can create them pr subject I chose to create a program about right? Is that what You meant?

I'm also ready for our next session so do i just use the same link as last time?


I just did a video! So many years in fear today i just did it! What the fuck happened 😂 😄

thank you Christel

this might Seem like a little but it so so big for me! Choosing to work with you is the best thing ive ever decided! Pod&poc that shit 😜 ❤️


These are changing my world and blowing my mind 💥💥... thank you for this Christel Crawford. Being able to choose at my own pace and ease. So grateful for the gift that these sessions are


@christelcrawford I just watched your show and Wow! Also I've already re listened yesterday to the salon. A couple more times is required 😡 



Thank you

I got so inspired of how you using the manual to facilitate


Awe.. Christel this is soo wonderful.. I just looooove this excersice 🌈 💃 ☀️

thank you for the Inspiration!!!


S00000 GO0000D! Thank you!


Wow wow wow just gave me an totally different eyeopener i talk telepathic which is now totally different from just thinking i am it. ♥️


like a trove of treasures ~ thanx for seeking out and sharing xx


Thank you I've been looking at with money Gratitude Christel you rock oh maybe not funny You are Awesome


Just what i was looking for without realizing it 😅🙌 what Else is possible?


Loved the show 🙂


Wow..This is GOLD baby!!!


Wow, thank you so much!


My God you are so thoughtful!

Thank you for giving us this!



So powerful and just what I needed

thank you


Love love loved every bit of it


This tool got me! I started using it right away at least as soon as I saw it…had me and it's brilliant!

For me, boom 💥 shit be changin

Thanks to Gary, Christel and me for using it! 🥰


This call was 🔥! TY!


The live call was simply awesome ... Got inspired a lot ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Being unwilling - to acknowledge that - just by asking "what will it take to be willing?" Instantly more space. Thank you Christel. Wil be my main question for the next couple of days 🙏 💫💜


Thanks a million! You talk to me got that nailed right there! With second pregnancy i dont get to walk or do yoga as often as i used to in the first pregnancy, i found myself feeling anxious then i realized every pregnancy is unique and my body did it once and knows what to do to begin with, i am more at ease and calm trusting and talking to my body and meeting its present requests


Aw you're a gift 😘



Thank you Christel! This is a great conversation with new ideas to think about! Thank you so much for being such a gift!



omg thank you so much christel for everything you be and for everything you cobtribute. Right after the livestream ended here and you asked us what was our takeaway I was actually gonna tell you that I was listening but didn't here anything my mind kept going somewhere else everywhere else but i knew that the conversation was brilliant and an amazing contribution and i was planning to listen to it 5 or 6 or unlimited times after we get the replay. Then I made it live to the show and got hear more of what i didn't the day before lol What r the odds? and truly how does it get even better than this? 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


I just relistened to this because it was soooo good! I caught so many things I didn't catch the first time.

So many takeaways! What would it take for me to be willing to receive judgement? Do I really want to continue living in the pain of not trusting me? Make a demand and make a different choice.

Judgement kills everything.



Thank you Christel 🩶

The uncomfortableness has been in my world for a while, and been makibg myself wrong for it, uncomfortable means somthing is wrong, means I can't trust what i'm doing

What you said has opened space in my worold to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, and keep asking questions. today I decided on a thing, and while watching the video, I realised becuase I was not comfortable, I made a judgement, and conclusio, and did not ask a question!

Thank you for clarifying it for me 🩶

I realised also while watching the video that I am not comfortable making choices for me, to decide, to trust that this will lead to a greater possibility, going into wrongness instead.

Your words have came exactly when I needed it, thank you 🩶


Listening again to the replay, and some interesting things came up. Growing up, my parents were very controlling and i was always wrong. Going through life, i often chose what other people said,even though i knew they were wrong, i went into the rightness of proving to myself that i knew they were wrong, sabotaging my life and choosing to not be responsible.a couple years back, i realized it was time to start chosing from my own knowing. I sometimes get it wrong.

Mostly its when i am choosing against my awareness. Sometimes its light and i choose it, and then the clunk hits. My target is to say no after i have said yes. Thank you for this group, and for you Cristel ❤️


Thanks Christel for the massive shift in my reality after just one listen. It was an interesting topic to explore. I didn't realise I had any "trust" issues until you asked the question. I'm grateful for this conversation and the overlap with overwhelm in the chat for business week


Thank you so much Christel!

Asking how we were expected to learn, really opened something up for me. I was not like anyone in my class. I did not learn the way they wanted me to learn.

WOW! I didn't realize I was still waiting for the judgements of the past to hit me. No wonder I always go into a beyond when I need to learn something new....l've been trying to anticipate where I'm going to trigger those judgements. They aren't real!

Now to practice using the light/ heavy tool!

Thank you again. This is huge! 😍 🙏 😍 🙏 😍


Brilliant. Thank you!! ❤️


Well, seeing your beautiful face, for one! 😛

Also, your energy. It's very generative for me. Plus, if someone asks a question that catches your eye, you answer it. I look forward to the incites I get from watching you live. Always brightens my day! 🙏


Thank you 💛


That was glorious!


Can I ask you about what you love ab...

Personally, I love the way you speak. I know I can enjoy your videos centuries later, but being live listening lets me receive and perceive some sparks of energy on the spot, that are "missing" (if there's such a thing as something missing in energy) delayed.

I've been confused, I know, as it is difficult to put words of any language, even my on, to that.

It's not just about the freshness of the live.


Wow! So much gold to harvest!

Thank you


Thank you this was awesome! I passed out on the live 😊


Gracias christel

Power re power


So much gratitude, beautiful lady .

I loved the part about survival, what will it take to give up on survival ?


WAUW, mindblowing...thank you so much for this contribution 🙏  💛 🙏 💛


So good! So many energies stirred up in my world! Thank you!


Happy New Year ❤️❤️ grateful for ur guidance


Best thing Ive chosen for me.!

Thank you christel for this Huge contribution.. how does it get any better than this?


By far the best class I have been part of! Blessings! I missed the 7 am chat but instituted my own question- What would it take to be willing to choose change and institute the rightness in me?

And everything that doesn't allow that......


This episode changed completely my day yesterday and still does. I get I have to re-listen again, as it is pure gold. Thank YOU so much for this, Christel!


Well, this is a CLASS. Thank YOU! 🩷


The BEST way to start the day!  Vitamin C


Always a contribution! ❤️ 🙏❤️ 🙏



Space! Thank you ❤️


So much space today on a day that started out different. There are no words thank you.


No words. Huge graditude and spaceee 🥰

And the tools videos in kajabi woow. If you haven't do yourself a favour and go watch them. They are beautiful!


So Fucking beyond words .... Woo hoo! Thank you so very much Darlin!!! Have a fabulous day! 💜



😄 👍 ❤️ 🥳

🙏  💜 🙏  💜


Loved it!


Phenomenal call. Listened to it on the way to work and on the way home again 💕


That was awesome

So grateful


tanQ 💥 How does it get any better than this...?


Thank you!



Thank you Christel  🙏


Awesome, thank you!


Thank you very much 🌸 ✨


Thank You 😊




Wowwwwwww!!! Blown awayyyy... my world my body my space everything f

Like wow


that was awesome, dynamic shifts


Thank you so much for all that you both be! Such a gift 


That was awesome! 😍 ✨ 🤩 💸 🙌


TanQ BE-YOU-T-FULL BEings!!! How much FUN and what adventures will we have today?


Thank you... im feeling like a bad ass mo fo right now 💪 💫💫💫


Wow wow wow thank you 😊




Thank you for this gift and contribution, love to listen to you, always so crystal clear 💛 🙏  💛 


This is soooooo good, thank you!!! Where can I send people who may be interested in coming to this telegram group


Thank you very much for your being, today I send you gratitude from Austria with, sun and a little snow at the same time. I can't wait for the replay from today.


Thank you Christel! This is a great conversation with new ideas to think about! Thank you so much for being such a gift!






what an amazing and inspiring live ✨

Thank you so much for the life you bring into things and business 🥂


What an amazing gift 🩶 Thank you so much 🌹 Thank you so much for your existence ✨✨


Great fucking call! 💥 💥 💥 Yowzers 🤯 💃🕺🥳 🎊


Thank you beautiful lady.. You gave me so much space and ease 😍


Grateful for the show and the call!!!

So much to have fun with!!!

I realised I do choose that vulnerability sometimes...

what would it take to choose it moreeee??

Thanks Christel 💎  💎 💎


I only got the end but thankful for replays. Glad you are back! How does it get any better?!


Goodmorning BE-YOU-T-FULL

BEings! TanQ so much for this gift and yes! I will be joining!!! 💫

How does it get even better then this…?


So grateful

30 x 30 was awesome



And much gracias xxoo 🎶 🌺


Happy to be here!


Love you, Krista!!! Enjoy the change!

Thank you! Love you both and so grateful for all you both choose to BE! 💜



Thank you so much! I'm so grateful for these 30x30 and your comments. The Infinite Being School is just GLORIOUS.


Thank you I feel so much more ease already


Thank You!


Yayyyy thank you so much.


This is creating alot of space, and an abundance of energy in my body.

I can't stop giggling for some reason.

😂 🤣


Happy days..

Thank you Christel 🥰


Sooo grateful for youuuuu christell!!!!!!


No idea how I came across ur page and boy am I glad! I'm so different from what I used to be.. ❤️ ❤️

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Really enjoyed the conversation! Thank you


🥰 you rock


Thank you so much Christel 💕 🙏


Phenomenal call. Listened to it on the way to work and on the way home again


It is a great call.


Loved it!


No words. Huge graditude and spaceee 🥰

And the tools videos in kajabi woow. If you haven't do yourself a favour and go watch them. They are beautiful!


So Fucking beyond words .... Woo hoo! Thank you so very much Darlin!!! Have a fabulous day! 💜


So much space today on a day that started out different. There are no words thank you.


Space! Thank you ❤️


Always a contribution! ❤️  🙏❤️ 🙏


The BEST way to start the day! Vitamin C


like a trove of treasures ~ thanx for seeking out and sharing xx


Best thing Ive chosen for me.! Thank you christel for this Huge contribution.. how does it get any better than this?




Awe.. Christel this is soo wonderful.. I just looooove this excersice 🌈 💃 ☀️ 

thank you for the Inspiration!!!


Thank you 🙏 💝

I got so inspired

of how you using the manual to facilitate 🤗 😍


@christelcrawford I just watched your show and Wow! Also I've already re listened yesterday to the salon. A couple more times is required 😢



Wow wow wow just gave me an totally different eyeopener i talk telepathic which is now totally different from just thinking i am it. ❤️


like a trove of treasures ~ thanx for seeking out and sharing xx


Thank you I've been looking at with money Gratitude Christel you rock oh maybe not funny You are Awesome 🤩


Just what i was looking for without realizing it  😅  🙌 what Else is



Loved the show ☺️


Wow ... This is GOLD baby!!!


Wow, thank you so much!


My God you are so thoughtful! Thank you for giving us this!


So powerful and just what I needed thank you

This tool got me! I started using it right away at least as soon as I saw it…had me and it's brilliant!

For me, boom 💥 shit be changin

Thanks to Gary, Christel and me for using it! 🥰


Well, this is a CLASS. Thank. YOU!


This epidode changed completely my day. yesterday and still does. I get I have to re-listen again, as it is pure gold. Thank YOU so much for this, Christel!


By far the best class I have been part of! Blessings! I missed the 7am chat but instituted my own question- What would it take to be willing to choose change and institute the rightness in me? And everything that doesn't allow that.....


Happy New Year ❤️ ❤️ grateful for ur guidance


So good! So many energies stirred up in my world! Thank you!


So much gratitude, beautiful lady. I loved the part about survival, what will it take to give up on survival?


Gracias christel

Power re power


That was glorious!


I just relistened to this because it was soooo good! I caught so many things I didn't catch the first time.

So many takeaways! What would it take for me to be willing to receive judgement? Do I really want to continue living in the pain of not trusting me? Make a demand and make a different choice.

Judgement kills everything. 🔥


omg thank you so much christel for everything you be and for everything you cobtribute. Right after the livestream ended here and you asked us what was our takeaway I was actually gonna tell you that I was listening but didn't here anything my mind kept going somewhere else everywhere else but i knew that the conversation was brilliant and an amazing contribution and i was planning to listen to it 5 or 6 or unlimited times after we get the replay. Then I made it live to the show and got hear more of what i didn't the day before lol What r the odds? and truly how does it get even better than this? 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Thank you Christel! This is a great conversation with new ideas to think about! Thank you so much for being such a gift!


Thanks a million! You talk to me got that nailed right there! With second pregnancy i dont get to walk or do yoga as often as i used to in the first pregnancy, i found myself feeling anxious then i realized every pregnancy is unique and my body did it once and knows what to do to begin with, i am more at ease and calm trusting and talking to m